S2E8 - Ladies' Night Out
with Marie Pucak
3 years ago

Episode Notes
Marie Pucak, owner of Grosse Ile Pet and Garden Center and a member of Grosse ile's Downtown Development Authority talks about Ladies' Night Out, the DDA, and what's in store in her store this holiday season.
- Ladies’ Night Out
- Grosse Ile Downtown Development Authority
- DDA Facebook
- Grosse Ile Recreation
- Grosse Ile Pet & Garden Center
- Christmas Jammie Drive
- Episode 6 about GI Pet & Garden Center
- Episode 10 about Christmas Jammie Drive
Contact What's the Deal, Grosse Ile?
- Web
- Facebook Group
- Patreon
- Tip Jar (For One-Time or Recurring Contributions)
- WhatsTheDealGI@gmail.com
- (734) 250-9554
Music: Headlund / Thanks for the Time / Courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/31ek2LInQK/