What's the Deal, Grosse Ile?

S1E5 - The Wonder Well with Steven J Frey

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Steven J Frey discusses the Wonder Well and the history of Grosse Ile's natural curiosity that lasted most of the 20th century. He also shares about his other projects including the Trenton A&W, the Allen Park Uniroyal Tire, and (perfect for Halloween) his book on how to build caskets.

Link http://wonderwell.info/

Transcript https://transcripts.whatsthedealgi.com/the-wonder-well

Intro and Credit music is Moctails in the Rain by Antti Luode and licensed through Creative Commons. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14079118

Find out more at http://Whatsthedealgi.com

Fogt Media Productions, LLC